The Maturing Masculine

April 9-12, 2024 (arrivals April 8th)

Rothenbuch, Germany

About the Maturing Masculine Program

The world needs deeply matured men – and leaders in pivotal roles in business and society. Men who can stand their ground without being arrogant. Men who listen deeply, act in service of a cause greater than themselves and pass on wisdom to the next generation. Such men live life on fate’s terms. They stand for blessing and order. They are both strong and vulnerable. They are also men who can hold and bring to life the feminine in themselves and others. They are men rooted in their full essence.

During this 4-day retreat, we will jointly discover and invigorate our integrity, authenticity, curiosity, courage, and compassion. The invitation is to welcome and integrate more of your soul and embrace all archetypes of the mature masculine –to consciously continue and deepen your initiation into being a man and a trustworthy executive in today’s world.

To initiate the next level of maturity, meaning, and sense-making, we will employ storytelling, meditation, journaling, art, presentation, discussion, ceremony, and ritual. Men are great support to one another in these transitions. Together, we will re- interpret and use ritual in a community of men further to mature together in what life is asking of us now.

Participants will be a combination of senior executives wanting to bring the above qualities to life and seasoned practitioners in leadership development.

The purpose of the program is to help strengthen the embodiment of all aspects of the mature masculine in you.

• Invigorate qualities such as integrity, authenticity, curiosity, courage, and compassion in your leadership,

• Connect to what you want to be in service of in your life,

• Increase your trustworthiness as an executive,

• Mentor others and bless them in their contribution,

• Hold and bring to life qualities like compassion and vulnerability in you and in others.

Chateauform Schloss Rothenbusch Schloßstraße 1, 63860 Rothenbuch, Germany EU

Monday, April 8th: Check-In and Dinner
Tuesday, April 9th – Friday, April 12th:
Retreat meets from 9:00 – 18:00
*Please prepare to be present for the entire program and outdoor activities.

Registration Fee:
*Includes the full program, hotel accommodations, daily meals, and breaks.

Our Facilitators


Mobius Senior Expert

Paul has been in private practice as psychological healer since 1982, when he also began facilitating Men’s groups. His work includes individual therapy, working with trauma, and the soul work he details in his collection of books.



Mobius Transformational Faculty Member

Paul has more than 25 years of international business experience. His coaching and facilitation include systemic intelligence, addressing collective trauma, and men’s work. He is a father to a maturing son and a developing daughter. His wife hails from a long line of matriarchs.

Thomas Halbeisen


Mobius Transformational Faculty Member

Thomas advises senior executives and their teams to evolve their leadership by becoming bigger versions of themselves. He has more than 25 years of experience as a management consultant in leading large-scale change. He is a proud father of two teenage boys.
