Our Skill-building Approach

Mobius skill-building programs concentrate the best practices and pedagogical wisdom from our immersive transformational programs into efficient, 1-day formats that create highly experiential, psychologically safe learning environments.

Horizon II by Jim McManus, Mobius Featured Artist

In these highly engaging programs, participants learn best practice approaches to core managerial skills while receiving expert coaching from faculty who are masterful coaches in their own right and who therefore attune deeply to the strengths, development needs, and blindspots of the leaders they serve in order to offer efficient and powerful coaching that makes an immediate impact on their leadership effectiveness.

Executive Presence at Every Level of the Organization.

Whether giving presentations, leading meetings, or conducting a 1-on-1, your quality of presence is your most powerful tool for inspiring others, creating inclusion, and building trusting relationships. This workshop will help participants from any level of the organization bring their authentic presence to life. Whether the leadership task is to exhibit mastery and command, lighten a formal presentation with humor, or mark a solemn occasion with gravitas, this lively and engaging session will help participants embody the traits needed to connect with their audience and bring the best version of themselves to the fore.     Learn More >>

Empower your organization to navigate the challenging conversations critical for your business.

This workshop introduces participants to the classic patterns that difficult conversations can take and supports business leaders to disrupt those patterns in order to create more productive conversations that build trust while solving the substantive issues at hand. Participants will identify their own unproductive behaviors under stress and learn tools for managing diverse ideas and perspectives. Participants will leave the course with a system for preparing for a conversation and navigating the unpredictable elements of a conversation with skill and grace.     Learn More >>

Business leaders negotiate every day to influence colleagues, business partners, vendors, and customers.

Most of us worry that we’re being too accommodating or that the other side may be getting a better deal. Based on Harvard’s famous interest-based negotiation approach, this course introduces a systematic negotiation strategy that can be applied to any business transactions. Build confidence and multiply your negotiation returns by learning to build trust and rapport, identify key interests, identify creative deal terms that expand the pie (integrative strategy) and holding firm against pressure so you can claim the maximum value for your organization (distributive strategy).     Learn More >>

New managers have to navigate a profound shift from being an individual contributor to leading people.

This 1-day program supports new managers with critical skills for effective leadership, including: building trust, resolving conflict, coaching and giving feedback. Based on two decades of experience developing leaders, this 1-day session concentrates Mobius’ best-in-class transformational work into a high energy, experiential learning bootcamp that will put new leaders on the road to success.     Learn More >>